The differences Website With Weblog

With the rise of blogs the more varied the information, available on the internet. The information is based on the source of manufacture can be divided into two, namely websites and weblogs. How to distinguish websites and blogs? There are some things that we can make a reference but that is written below is not an absolute to distinguish because at some point is debatable because of the developments in the blog itself.


User: Company or Joint
Location of Content: The form of the page
Pages: Consists of the page with a link to access it
Address: Domain and Paid Hosting
Maintenance: Requires knowledge of HTML or other programming languages
Template: Variatif according to the manufacturer's site expertise
Purpose: Commercial, Promotion Facility


User : Individuals
Location of Contents: Contents The new override or replace the contents of the old
Pages: CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), the system page scrolling to view further information
Address: Sub Domain or are Free
Maintenance: Without knowledge of programming languages because the user just set up in accordance with the policy provider
Templates: Using the supplied teplate
Purpose: The place to channel ideas, creations, aspirations and desires more freely according to the manager
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