Creating a Marquee effect Blog

What is a marquee? If you do not already know about the marquee, I'll explain a bit about the marquee. Marquee HTML is a program that serves to make the text move or walk. Marquee is widely used by bloggers in his blog because of the nature of the program is a dynamic and interesting to look at in addition to saving space on the blog page.
This marquee can be made by using tags <marquee> ...</ marquee>.
Attributes that are often used normally are: 

BGCOLOR = "color" -> To set the background color of text

DIRECTION = "left / right / up / down" -> To set the text direction of movement

BEHAVIOR = "scroll / slide / alternate" -> To set the behavior of the moving

Scroll -> function to rotate the text moves Slide -> function to move the text once and then stopped

Alternate -> function so that the text moves from left to right and then back again (alternating)

TITLE = "message" -> message will appear when the mouse is above the text

SCROLLMOUNT = "number" -> To manage the speed of pixels, the greater the number semajin fast movements.

SCROLLDELAY = "number" -> To set the delay time (in milliseconds)

LOOP = "number | -1 | infinite" -> To Set the number of loops

WIDTH = "width" -> To set the width of the text block in pixels or percent
For more clear I will give an example:

Marquee example of the movement
<MARQUEE Align="center" height="200" direction="right" scrollamount="2" width="30%">
marquee from left to right
</ Marquee>

Result :

marquee from left to right
replace the word "left" with your desires is: right, up, down.

Marquee example of the movement behavior:
<MARQUEE Align="center" direction="left" height="200" width="70%" scrollamount="3" behavior="alternate">

marquee behavior according to

</ Marquee>

marquee behavior according to

Another variation of the marquee is when the mouse was in the area marquee, the text will stop and when the mouse on the slide it back somewhere else then the text will move again, this is only adding a few courses at the marquee.
For example, please point your mouse to marquee area below:
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" direction="up" height="200" width="50%" align="center">
please point here
</ Marquee>

please point here

Examples of his marquee is in there is a link: 
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" direction="up" width="100%" height="100" align="center">

<a href="" target="new"> Mesothelioma Information </ a> <br/>

<a href="" target="new"> Teak Furniture </ a> <br/>

<a href="" target="new"> Blogging Tutorial </ a> <br/>
</ Marquee>

Mesothelioma Information

Teak Furniture

Blogging Tutorial

Please try for yourself in order to create variations of this marquee.

Good Luck
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